Tuesday, October 21, 2008

NuCanoe Fishing with Varsity Scouts

Garrett Ostler of Garrett's Good Stuff in Syracuse, UT writes:

"I took my Team of Varsity Scouts to RockPort Reservoir Friday. The fishing and the weather was fantastic."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fishing Videos from Cascade Lake

Publish Post

Fishing on Cascade Lake

Here are some pictures from a NuCanoe camping trip over Memorial Day Weekend on Orcas Island in Washington state. We caught rainbow trout in Cascade Lake and Rockfish in Puget Sound.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Floating & Fishing on the Chattahoochee

One of the benefits of NuCanoe fishing is getting to meet the people that share your passion. Another benefit is getting to turn others on to a new and different kind of craft to chase fish from. I met Jack Tiller from Cumming, GA a few weeks ago at an event. He was very interested in the NuCanoe but was a bit leary of fishing from it. He had fished from kayaks before but found them uncomfortable and unstable. To make a long story short, Jack's fears and concerns were gone within 30 seconds. Like many trout fishermen that have fished out of various craft over the years Jack thought he knew all the things that the NuCanoe would not be able to do.  Like all of these guys he had to admitt he was wrong and instantly fell in love with the NuCanoe. We had a wonderful float down the Chattahoochee River below Buford Dam in Cumming, GA. Jack had caught a 10 plus lb. brown trout two days before so our expectations were high. It was a beautiful May morning with temps in the low 60's with light fog. The fog quickly burned off leaving us with a blue sunny sky and temps aroung 78 degrees.  The fishing was a little slow but we did manage to catch a few dinks on the upper stretch. The lower stretch was a little better but we could not get a big fish to the boat. I did make a new friend and a new convert to NuCanoe fishing....what a great day!!!

Here is a tip for you NuCanoe spin fishermen. Small size perch, bream, crappie or shad swim baits. Get some and use them they will catch fish....period.

Tight lines and screaming drags...go get 'em,

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Custom NuCanoe Swivel Seats

"Hey guys,
Just wanted to show you what one of my friends have done with his NuCanoe- I love the seat and he's also now mounted his depth finder on it."

- Johnny R. of Bright Star Classics, NuCanoe Premier Dealer in Sulphur Springs, TX.

Fishing on Lookout Mountain, GA

Swim Baits for Slab Crappie?
by Bucky Schoocraft, NuCanoe Pro Staff

With the water temperatures approaching the magic number that triggers the spawning process for many species in the southeast, and the air temperatures near perfect for the angler, it is time to get out there and take a kid fishing. There is not a better way to introduce a beginner to fishing than to get out in a NuCanoe on a lake, pond, river or creek with air temperatures that do not make you cold or never make you break a sweat. The bugs are minimal, the wildlife in the woods is abundant, the plants and trees are spouting their foliage and the fish are biting.
Kayak fishing is an inexpensive and easy way to take you and your child away from the crowds. No tanks to gas up, very little maintenance and good exercise. The NuCanoe is very stable so you don’t have to worry about you, your child or your tackle ending up in the water. Kayak fishing allows you to access water that is not accessible by larger craft or water that you can’t wade or fish from shore.

While fishing with live bait is a sure way to catch fish and a good way to introduce a new angler to fishing, casting and working a lure keeps many young anglers from becoming bored. Always remember when taking a kid fishing the trip is about them and not you. Many of you are familiar with the large swim baits they make for catching giant bass. Several of the manufacturers are now making these swim baits in a mini version. Some are as small as 2”. These baits can be fished fast, slow and worked in almost any fashion to catch fish. They are very easy to cast and will work in most types of cover. The next time you are on your favorite body of water in the early spring tie one of these baits on and hang on to your rod. These little baits are great search bait allowing you to cover a lot of water quickly. When the time arrives in your area for the crappie spawn start throwing these little gems from pre-spawn right through the post-spawn period. They will catch big slabs and allow you to locate the fish. Little swim baits will catch fish year round but they really shine when the fish are first moving into shallow water and feeding on small bluegill or shad fry. So give them a try and remember to pass on the love for the outdoors and take a kid fishing.

Tight lines,


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